StixUP! Uphill


Built with passion


Our Story

When my wife was pregnant with our daughter, our minds had already worried about every moment in her unwritten life.

What would the world be like when she enters it?  What foods would she be eating?  What schools would she go to?  Could we keep her healthy?

At this time, we were living overseas, but noticed one perpetual and prevalent problem no matter what country or city we lived in.

Every environment, from the Grand Canyon, to the rainforests of Kaua’i to the woods of Barcelona, and even the deep jungles of Thailand, all show severe destruction left by the biproducts of civilization and open-loop consumption.


We felt helpless as one family wanting to introduce our daughter to a world she can be proud of, that we could be sure would provide her a healthy life.

But, pollution is destroying the planet faster than we can show it to our children and that’s a problem.

We all want to contribute to “helping the planet”, but there’s no practical, unified way.

This seemed like a major problem for the generations inheriting this world, and one we felt compelled to try to do something about.


As our daughters birth was approaching, as I imagine most new-parents do, we started imagining our daughter growing up and moving to university, and then off to a busy professional life.  We realized it would be harder to keep-in-touch with our baby girl, the busier her life got.

Yeah…I know, we’re “those” parents.

This was another problem we were not willing to accept and had to do something about.

StixUP! Cool StiX


The Solution

 We all love to be connected, but that doesn’t mean we have the time.

How do we expedite the connection, without the typing?  How do we get everyone to contribute to planetary restoration efforts?

We hit ’em where it matters…their connections with those who are important to them.

We all communicate daily.  If we could create a design that makes texting faster and easier, that also provides an entertaining challenge between people who matter to each other, we might be able to generate funding to turn the crank of earth restoration.

The same way a waterfall creates hydropower, powered by the flow of encrypted communication between friends and family that already happens daily and in a more passive way.

Imagine, it also has a direct button to allow extra contributions to earth restoration with just a button press if you’re ever feeling heroic.

A free, quick way to connect, that comes with no pressure and doesn’t burden anyone’s schedule.

A reminder that won’t let important messages slip through the cracks when life gets busy.

An entertaining challenge between friends and family in life’s free moments

(or between parents and their baby girl when her life gets busy)

with the option to play StiXshot Minigames when we have some “solo” time to kill.






  •  We lost one of our developers in a motorcycle collision


  • One of our sound engineers’ house burned down in a wildfire while we were out to lunch


  • In the following months, we lost my mother, grandmother, grandfather, best friend and our long time cat (our fuzzy best friend)


  • I was hospitalized for a while after some toxic take-away food, while my wife was under wildfire evacuation orders from our home with our baby girl

Now it’s raining bombs…

  • Literally.

    One of our animators and one of our menu artists are now under attack from the Russian government.

    Russia just invaded Ukraine this morning 2.24.2022.



This is just a fraction of the obstacles we’ve faced to get here.  It’s been an unspeakable journey, but we know that’s a sign we’re on the right track because nothing great was ever easy.

This is for all of us, OUR own messenger, the way YOU want it.
We’ll never quit and we hope you’re with us!

Your support is what makes it happen!

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